Listen In Folks - Raven’s Stance on Public Curbside Collection Program

The Raven Recycling Society is advocating for a city-run curbside collection program. Have a listen to Raven's Executive Director on the air with Fayth Starr on CKRW The Rush as she answers:

  • Why do we need a cuRbside collection program?

  • What are the alternatives?

  • How close are we to getting it?

>> LISTEN IN: Part 1 and Part 2

Here’s a sneak peak of what was talked about:

Why now?

“Now, because we have new regulations coming for recycling and that is the responsibility of the territorial government to design and develop. The point of the regulation is to move the corporations that have profited at the expense of the environment for decades to paying for the recycling system. The idea behind the regulation is to incentivize them to design their products better and manage them better at the end of their life.

They will be responsible for collection. That is a responsibility that our City has not stepped into and Raven has held that space for all of these decades. For the three plus decades. Those corporations will have to actually collect that material. We don’t know that the regulation will actually hold them accountable to collecting a certain amount of material. There’s a good chance that it will not. So we’re trying to raise the bar, before they get here and are collecting, from this standard that Raven has very successful been able to achieve but which has not been accessible to all people. So when they come, its clear to them where the bar is. The new bare minimum will be curbside collection.

We only see only see two alternatives and we don’t think either of them is acceptable. One is do nothing. This will leave us with no way of recycling. The other is to default to a private collection system, which some people will pay for but we believe that a lot of people will not.


This is a move in the right direction.

This is us doing the best thing

that’s available now For our community. 

Being an organization that has this card in our hand and sees that

this could actually improve

our environmental outcomes,

we can’t not play it.

We are not in a position to not play every

possible card right now to achieve

better environmental outcomes. ”

Heather Ashthorn, Executive Director of Raven Recentre


Holiday hours


Listen In Folks - Big Changes are Coming to Recycling in the Territory