Papersave is Raven’s commercial pickup service for paper in Whitehorse. We collect white and coloured office paper, newsprint, envelopes, magazines, shredded paper, and other mixed paper. We also collect boxboard and brown paper bags.
DId you
Paper makes up
about 10%
of all landfilled waste in Whitehorse.
Your Business
for Reducing
Paper Waste
Raven offers a collection service to keep this valuable material in circulation and out of the landfill.
The overall environmental cost of paper is high. Pulp and paper production creates toxic byproducts, contributes to deforestation, uses a great deal of energy and consumes enormous amounts of fresh water.
Burying paper in a landfill after a single use is a huge waste of a precious natural resource.
For commercial pick-up of mixed recycling, corrugated cardboard, or organics, please contact PNW Waste Removal, General Waste Management, Whitehorse Blue Bin Recycling or the City of Whitehorse.
+ $15/5-mins additional service
Raven charges a flat fee of $35.00 per pick-up of services 10-mins or less, plus $15.00 for each additional 5 minutes of service time. All customers will be charged $1.25 per month for bin rentals as well as GST. Customers are invoiced every two months.
The Customer
is Responsible For:
Sorting paper into appropriate bins.
Providing a centralized paper collection station, preferably located near an outside entrance.
Placing shredded paper into clear plastic bags.
Flattening and bundling small amounts of cardboard.
Not allowing garbage and other contaminants into the paper bins.
Following these guidelines assures the most efficient service and ultimately, less charges for time spent processing your load.

Questions? E-mail info@ravenrecentre.org or call 867-667-7269 ext.0.