
Reduction is the first step to waste management. It means to cut down on the amount of trash we make. It starts at home, at work, at the check-out, at the factory. The sooner we start along the consumption chain, the more impact we can have.
Top Tips
Host a Clothing Swap
Reducing the need for new clothing by reusing clothes locally is the best possible option for the environment and it supports your local community! Consider hosting a clothing swap with your friends to find ways to keep the flow of materials circular!
Zero Waste Home: start small
Don’t try to become zero waste overnight! Start with one thing – maybe switch to refillable dish soap. When that one thing feels comfortable and becomes a habit, add in one more thing – maybe switch out your toothpaste from the tube kind to a refillable tablet container. And when that feels comfortable, add in the next thing. And then just keep building from there.
Go Plastic Free for a Month
Join us for the international Plastic Free July Challenge (or any month for that matter) where we simply avoid single-use plastic products for a month! Refuse plastic bottles and bags, straws, disposable cups, cutlery and take-out containers. Carry your reusable items and recycle unavoidable items! Whether it’s avoiding one of these items or all at once, you can make a dent in our plastic problem.
What is
Zero Waste?
Simply put, Zero Waste is a goal. To be Zero Waste is to strive for a lifestyle where what you use and how you use it produces little to no garbage that needs to be landfilled.
source: https://zwia.org/zwh/
Shift from
linear to circular
Our current system takes resources from the Earth to make stuff. When we don’t need that stuff anymore, we tend to throw it away. We call this ‘Take-Make-Waste’, a linear approach to waste management. But what if we made that into a circular approach and cut out the parts where we generate waste and needed fresh resources in manufacturing entirely? Now, THAT is an interesting idea…

Who’s our latest
local hero?
We’ve got many dedicated people in our communities who are finding creative ways to use less. Join us in celebrating them through our Zero Heroes program.
Learn More
Have more questions about what you can do to reduce our plastic waste problem or want to know more about the circular economy? Check out our library of resources.