Tool LIbrary
Do you have a short-term project in mind, but don’t have the equipment you need to do it? The Whitehorse Tool Library might be able to help you out!
The Whitehorse Tool Library (WTL) is just what it sounds like: a community resource that lends out tools and other equipment on a short-term basis. The WTL aims to increase access to tools and equipment for individual households that may not be positioned to purchase them themselves, or that the users may only need to use for a brief time. In doing so, the WTL saves residents money and reduces the waste associated with individuals buying those tools for themselves!
The WTL began as an independent, volunteer-run organization in 2020 and started lending tools to the public in summer 2021. On April 1, 2024, the WTL was adopted into the Raven ReCentre’s family of programs, and Raven staff are working to grow the project so that it can meet the needs of even more community members.
For now the Library’s inventory consists mostly of tools used in yard work and home renovation/repair (e.g. power tools like saws and drills, and hand tools like hedge trimmers and bolt cutters) but Raven has plans to increase the variety of items available over the next several months.
COST OF MEMBERSHIP: Please check back in frequently. We will have membership fees posted soon. If you are already a member, you are welcome to continue borrowing tools.
HOW MANY TOOLS CAN I RENT? 4 tools/rental
Once you have paid the membership fee, you can rent out tools for a period of 2 weeks. Each tool has a small rental tool fee. Fees will be posted soon.
You may borrow up to 4 tools at a time, unless they are part of a “set” that includes more items.
The standard borrowing period is 2 weeks, with the possibility to extend the period if no one else has requested the tool after you.
**ATTENTION: We have paused all new memberships for a short time due to being short staffed. Please check back frequently as we anticipate being back online in November. We are not monitoring the Tool Library email at this time.
Explore our growing inventory of tools here.
Fill out rental form below. (You must be a member to rent a tool. We encourage you to sign-up online but if that's not an option, you can complete the process at the Reuseful Store.)
A member of our team will get back to you with a pick-up time.
Come to the Reuseful Store during operating hours to retrieve your tool.
Please respect the tools as if they were your own. The Tool Library reserves the right to charge additional fees for late returns, lost or damaged items, though we will try to work with you to find other solutions to the situation first.
Please review the Tool Library Terms and Conditions, found here. All members must confirm that they have read our liability waiver upon sign-up.
Have tools that are in good working condition to donate? We’re working on a wishlist. Get in touch with us at toollibrary@ravenrecentre.org.
We also appreciate charitable donations, which go a long way to keeping our social enterprise running smoothly. Please make a donation through Canada Helps if you are keen and able. Your donations help pay fair wages and benefits for the folx who are dedicated to moving our community toward zero waste.
Get Started
Rent a TooL
Have questions? Get in touch!