What is
Zero Waste?
Simply put, Zero Waste is a goal to strive for a lifestyle where what you use and how you use it produces little to no garbage that needs to be landfilled.

Zero Waste is:
“the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.”
Zero Waste can be a goal that you can strive for in your personal life, and one that municipalities, governments and nations can aim for, too. It is our belief that we need participation from all of these levels in order to address our current waste crisis.
Zero Waste can also be described as responsible resource management. The Zero Waste International Alliance defines it as “The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.”
Zero Waste is a good news story. Instead of a waste problem, zero waste creates a resource opportunity. Every day we get closer to or further from a waste-free future. We can choose to conserve our limited resources and reduce our climate impact, or we can continue to make “waste” and throw away our opportunities for positive change.
Why does Zero Waste Matter?
Earth’s natural resources are limited and we are currently consuming them and turning them into things that have short lifespans and cannot be remanufactured. We call this a linear economy or the “take-make-waste” system, in which we need to keep consuming without an end in sight. This current system turns a blind eye to the impacts of resource extraction in favour of short term profit for a very few people.
Every step along this path causes significant damage to our planet. For an in-depth explanation of how the linear economy works and why and how it does so much damage, please see the short film “The Story of Stuff” below.
The storY of
[click to play] Source: The Story of Stuff Project
Zero Waste Hierarchy
The hierarchy describes a progression of policies and strategies to support the Zero Waste system. It is arranged from highest and best to lowest use of materials. The hierarchy is designed to be applicable to all audiences, from policy-makers to industry and the individual.
It aims to:
provide more depth to the internationally recognized 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle);
encourage policy, activity and investment at the top of the hierarchy;
provide a guide for those who wish to develop systems or products that move us closer to Zero Waste.
[click to enlarge] Source: Zero Waste International Alliance
How does zero waste relate to a
circular economy?
Zero Waste looks at individual action and is a goal for is how we deal with waste within our system. It is part of how we get to a circular economy, which looks at the whole picture, redefining our economic system as one where growth is separate from consumption of finite resources. Whereas zero waste is bottom up, the circular economy is more top down and around and requires systemic changes, from beginning to end.
[click to enlarge] Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Your zero waste hero
Is there an outstanding individual, organization, business, or community that you know who/that is embodying the zero waste philosophy? We would like to celebrate them. Nominate your Zero Hero today!