Recycling Club
for Kids
The Yukon Recycling Club is open to kids aged 4 to 16 years. By collecting refundable beverage containers and bringing them to your local depot, you’ll earn points that can be exchanged for great prizes!
REGISTRATION&Points Collection
OPENs May 1st
When you join the Recycling Club you help your community recycling depot, you help keep your community litter free and you earn some great prizes!
The Recycling Club is sponsored by Yukon Government Community Services, the Recycling Fund and participating businesses. Raven Recycling is responsible for administering points and prizes on behalf of the Club and other Yukon recycling depots.
Members must register each year and points cannot be carried over from year to year. Any points unused by the cutoff date are lost
Being a Club Member:
Once registered, you earn points by returning refundable beverage containers to your local depot. The depot cashier will give you your refund plus one point for every penny’s worth of the refund. For example, an aluminum can with a 5¢ refund is worth 5 points. Points can only be awarded on refundable beverage containers. Show your Recycling Club Membership Card or simply give the cashier your membership number and ask for your point voucher.
Save all your point vouchers in a safe place so you can keep track of your points. Points are not carried over from year to year!
Look through the prize catalogue and see how many points you need for the prize(s) of your choice and order online from the Check/Redeem Points page.
You cannot collect points without a membership number. If you were a club member last year, you will need a new membership number this year.
If you live in a community without a recycling depot you will have to find a way to get containers to a participating recycling depot. (See #2 under Rules for Collecting Points)
Check the website often for updates!
Get Started:
Earn points
Redeem prizes
Step 1: Register for the program.
Step 2. Start recycling and collecting points!
Step 3. Use the link above to check on your points balance. Enter the number as XXXX-25.
Step 4. Earn prizes by ordering certificates using your points. If you have the points you don’t have to wait until the end of the Club’s season to get prizes!
Step 5: Take the certificate to the store printed on the front of the certificate to claim your prize. If you can’t make it to the participating store, Let us know and we can arrange for shipping at your expense.
Please note:
Do not order certificates if the points don’t show up, even if you collected them already. It does take time for them to be entered and orders processed.
All points are verified through Raven. You will receive a certificate (for one or more prizes of your choice) once your points are verified to confirm you have enough points. Make a note of the expiry date on the prize certificate!
If you are not sure if the order has gone through please contact us, do not reorder the certificates until you have checked. At busy times it can take a few days for all the orders to be processed.
Important Dates:
Each year dates are the same
Registration and First Day to Collect Points:
May 1st
Last day to collect points:
November 15th
Last day to order certificates:
December 1st
Last day to redeem prize certificates:
December 31st
(suppliers will not honour prize certificates after this date)
The 2%
Top earners might
win BIG!
The 2% Club are members who are in the top 2% of all point earners for the year.
Remember that you are only able to redeem up to 200,000 points for the catalogue prizes, but you can keep earning points for a chance to be in the 2% Club and have a chance to win some fantastic grand prizes!
Rules for
Collecting Points
Yukon residents between 4 and 16 years of age are eligible to become Club members. Schools, daycares and youth groups can join if your members are 4 to 16 years of age.
Friends and relatives can also collect containers and points for you. Either go with them to the recycling depot and ask for a points coupon, or tell your friends your number so they can get a coupon for you when they turn in their containers.
You will not be awarded points for containers obtained from businesses such as restaurants, bars, or stores or from groups and organizations who use them for their functions such as spots banquets or community events.
You can’t transfer points to another membership number.
Points are redeemable up to 200,000 points, but you can continue to collect points for the chance to win a grand prize (group memberships not eligible for grand prize draws).
Points must be earned! Please don’t ask other depot customers for theirs.
If you break the rules of the Recycling Club, you may lose your membership and forfeit any points earned.
Recycling depot volunteers and employees and their families are not eligible for membership in the Recycling Club.
Additional points cannot be purchased.
For every cent that you earn in beverage container refunds, one point will be rewarded to your Recycling Club account. Check for current rates on refundable beverage containers and the amount of points you can earn!
Now, get
Questions? Get in touch!