Listen In Folks - Raven Willing to Wait to Close Public Drop-Off until City has Curbside Recycling Program

The Raven Recycling Society is advocating for a city-run curbside collection program and is willing to wait a bit to close the public drop-off. Have a listen to Raven's Board President, Jacqueline Bedard on the air with Elyn Jones on CBC’s Yukon Morning as she addresses the questions:

  • How are we responding to the City’s process as it relates to developing a curbside recycling program?

  • Are we willing to wait to close the public drop-off?

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Here are the highlights:

“Raven Recentre will keep its public drop off open while the budget is read and voted on; which we understand to take plan in January or February. Should the blue bin budget vote not pass, we will go back to closing the public drop-off immediately. If the vote passes, we will work with the City to ensure there is no gap in service while they work to get their system up and running. We recognize it’s going to take some time. We don’t want the term for this mayor and council to end without some action being taken on this issue. We have to do our part to keep the Whitehorse population recycling.


We’re willing to extend

for a period of time

in hopes that things

will move in the direction

that they desperately need to.”

- Jacqueline Bedard, Raven Board Member



Holiday hours


Listen In Folks - Raven’s Stance on Public Curbside Collection Program