Statement from Raven’s Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Raven ReCentre firmly rejects Minister Mostyn’s misleading claims about our organization's direction and commitment to Yukon communities.


  • Raven’s mission has remained absolutely consistent despite leadership changes. Any suggestion otherwise by Minister Mostyn is demonstrably false.

  • The Board has never authorized withdrawal from servicing community depots. Our commitment to this essential service has been unwavering.

  • Our Executive Director and team have consistently and directly communicated Raven’s willingness and capacity to continue processing non-refundable materials from the communities.

  • Furthermore, our Executive Director and team have repeatedly requested clarity from the Yukon Government on community depot material processing, with minimal response.

  • Despite being listed as an approved processor in the “Load and Transport Recyclable Materials” tender, the Government of Yukon:

  • Denied our Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) application for processing these materials

  • Removed Raven from the transportation contract without notice

  • Directed community depots to use only one processor

  • Failed to engage in meaningful consultation before these drastic changes

  • The decision to exclude Raven from processing community depot materials was made unilaterally by the Government of Yukon, not by Raven’s leadership or Board.

  • This arbitrary exclusion undermines the longstanding practice of multiple processors managing the Yukon’s recyclable materials, effectively creating a government-sanctioned monopoly.

Raven ReCentre remains steadfastly committed to supporting communities, promoting sustainability, and ensuring all Yukoners have access to responsible recycling options. We challenge Minister Mostyn to provide factual evidence for their assertions, to stop the Yukon Government’s inexplicably punitive treatment of our non-profit society, and to restore fairness and transparency to the Yukon’s recycling system.


About Raven ReCentre

Created in 1989 by a group of volunteers who wanted to see recycling happen in the Yukon, Raven now acts as a recycling and reuse hub for the entire Territory. Raven’s vision is prosperous sustainable communities within the regional and global ecosystems. Raven’s goal is to achieve Zero Waste in the Yukon. Raven is separate from all levels of government and does not receive core government funding.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ben Charland

Communications and Media Relations

Raven ReCentre

403-462-0034 |



Listen In Folks - Raven Speaks Out about their Petition and Continued Calls to Action for Government Transparency


Yukoners Demand Minister Mostyn Address Unfair Treatment as Raven Recentre’s Petition Gains Momentum